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Gallery: 46P/Wirtanen

Image taken by Deirdre Kelleghan

Fig 1:

Image Parameter Details
Image Date (UTC): 2018-12-09, 2018-12-10
Image Time (UTC): 20:40, 00:50
Sky Quality:
Field of View: ???
Observing Site: Louisburgh Co Mayo.
Observing Equipment: 8" Dob (fl=1200mm), 32mm eyepiece, 37x
pastel and gel pen.
Comments: Two sketches of 46P/Wirtanen plus one gif showing movement over time. 20:40 UT Dec 9th 2018 & 00:50 UT Dec 10th 2018. Inbetween haze and misty rain with some clear patches.
4.5 mag, DC 4 coma visible naked eye also, huge diffuse object. Thought I observed some radial features but not clear enough to include in the sketches. The edges/shape of the coma was difficult to see clearly. No green observed. No tail observed. I feel lucky to have seen it.
I have rotated the gif so as to have the upward movement of the comet right as my dob has south up.

Go Observe - 46P/ Wirtanen Good Luck

Table 1: Data about image.

Updated: 13-Dec-2018