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Gallery: Vesta

Sketch made by Michael Rosolina

Michael Rosolina's sketch of Vesta covering 7-22 July 2007.
Fig 1:

Image Parameter Details
Image Date (UTC): 7 July
8 July
14 July
15 July
22 July
Image Time (UTC): 0300
Exposure: visual
Field of View: 4.4°
Observing Site: Friars Hill, WV
38.02N 80.27W
Elevation: 823m
Observing Equipment: HD 15x70 APM Binoculars on an HD Paragon Plus mount
Digital Processing:
Comments: Sketch was done in the field and shows Vesta ending its apparent retrograde motion to the west and resuming direct motion. Transparency was often very poor during the observations making it difficult to estimate magnitude. Vesta appeared to be about magnitude 6.0 July 7th-8th, about magnitude 6.5-6.8 July 14th-15th, and magnitude 6.8-7.0 July 22nd. I used the defocused star method to estimate magnitude.

Table 1: Data about image.

Updated: 30-Jul-2013