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Gallery: Tempel 1 (2004-2005)

Observation made by Richard Keen

Image Parameter Details
Comments: At 10 seconds past 0552 UTC, noticed a possible instantaneous flash at the center of P/Tempel 1's faint coma. Magnitude about 12, but near the threshold of visibility, so the "flash" may not have been real.
[NOTE: Impact successfully occurred on July 4 at 05:52:24 UT as seen from Earth, 14 seconds after this observation.]
Image Date/Time: 2005-07-04/05:52:10 UTC
Observing Site: Mt. Thorodin, Colorado
105.4 W, 39.9 N, elevation 2730 m
Weather: Clear; few cirrus
Telescope: 12.5-inch f/4 Newtonian reflector, 63x eyepiece
Camera: Visual

Table 1: Data about observation.

Updated: 30-Jul-2013