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Gallery: Tempel 1 (2004-2005)

Observation made by Mike Planchon

Fig 1:

Image Parameter Details
Comments: Brighter than pre-impact, easier to pick out from background even with more light pollution than usual. mag-est. 10.8 with star defocus method. Coma appeared circular about 6 arc minutes diameter. Able to see with direct vision than 4 nights ago.
Image Date/Time: 2005-07-05/4:15 Universal
Observing Site: Blanchard, OK
(40 miles southwest of Oklahoma City)
Weather: partly cloudy with some haze, weather hot and humidity high, seeing 7/10, transparency 5/10
Telescope: 12" f/5 newtonian, tracked

Table 1: Data about image.

Updated: 30-Jul-2013