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Gallery: Tempel 1 (2004-2005)

Observation made by Giovanni Sostero

Fig 1:

Image Parameter Details
Comments: Total magnitude within a window of 2.7 arcmin in diameter (or ~100,000 Km at the comet distance) is R~ 11.3
Image Date/Time: 2005-06-26/21:07 UT
Observing Site: Mount Matajur (elev: 1340m), ~ 200km NE of Venice
Remanzacco, Udine, Italy
Weather: Clear
Telescope: 10", f/4 MEADE LXD55 Schmidt-Newton
Camera: Starlight Xpress SXV-M7
Exposure: av 20x30 sec
Filters: Cousins R

Table 1: Data about image.

Updated: 30-Jul-2013